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[IT] Create Simple Project for handling docx using Apache POI Part 1/2

아담도라이바 2020. 10. 15. 22:06

#Create Simple Maven project to know the functions to handle ".docx"

I had to collect the event contents and create it as a WORD (.docx) file, and I decided to implement the function because I had experience dealing with Excel using Apache POI before.

The procedure for performing the functions to be implemented is as follows.

Function Procedure

Anyway, it's my first time dealing with Word, so let's look at the features and introduce how to configure a functional test environment in Spring Boot.

STEP 1. Creation of Maven Project

Select [File] - [Other...]

[File] - [Other...]

In [Select a wizard], Choose [Maven] - [Maven Project]

Maven Project


Input "org.apache.maven" in [Filter], Currently, we are going to test the ability to control Word, so select "maven-archetype-simple" for "Artifact Id".


Set [Group Id] and [Artifact Id] to what you like.

e.g. [Group Id]="myhome", [Artifact Id]="testprj"

Maven Project Setting

Since it proceeds without much trouble up to this point, if the project is normally created, the project is created in [Package Explorer] as shown in the screen below, and the contents of pom.xml can be checked.



[IT] Create Simple Project for handling docx using Apache POI Part 1/2
